Tuesday 7 June 2011

Absolutely Organised by Debbie Lillard

I am not organised. Probably never will be completely. But I love reading organisational books and this is one of the favourites at the moment.

True enough, there isn't a lot to say about getting organised and if you've read Deniece Schofield, Julia Morgenstern and any other books, then this book will not hit you over the head with a new and revolutionary way to get your life in order, but it is a well-presented and well-thought out book. It's also not very verbose; she gets quickly and efficiently to the point. And it's in glossy pages with full colour illustrations so that ideas such as underbed storage are clear. Also, the photos are lovely, I'll try to scan and upload some later. And, finally, the cover is such a bright and cheerful design, just leaving it on one of your hotspots brightens up the house.

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