Sunday 20 January 2013

11-22-63 by Stephen King

Sometimes a book comes along and catches you, know what I mean? It happened with Angels and Daemons; reading til 3 am sat on the toilet (didn't dare move in case I woke Mr AJ and he told me not to be ridiculous; I still have nightmares) and this was another of that ilk.
I haven't read much Stephen King; Christine, Under the Dome and I think one called the Dark Half. However, the premise on this book sounded fascinating. If you could go back and change history, would you?
Jake Epping is a teacher in a small town in Maine (see Nostalgia Critic for why this will make you snigger) whose local Diner owner, Al, has a rabbit hole in time in his store room. Only to one particular moment in time; September 1958. Al uses it for buying meat at 1950's prices and living in nostalgia. Until he wonders what he could really do with this gift.
If Kennedy never got shot...... the Vietnam war would never happen, Bobby and Martin Luther King would be saved, Nixon would possibly never be president and the world would be a better place.
But the past is obdurate (King is fond of that word; look it up) and Al gets very sick before he can accomplish his plan. Enter Jake; how would he like to go back in time.....

I enjoyed this book. The story of how Jake goes about plotting and planning to achieve the plan is peppered with references to other King classics. I have to read It very quickly to understand the part set in Derry and I'm sure Christine was a Plymouth Fury(?) but you don't need to know that to enjoy the story. Jake has to spend 5 years waiting; and makes a life as a teacher complete with girlfriend.
From halfway in, when the plan is afoot, the plot picks up and the pace increases. I couldn't put it down. I had questions.... questions I can't put into print without spoiling the book for you, but ones I needed a resolution to. Thank God yesterday was a snowy Saturday and I could just sit.....


  1. I love his books x

    1. Thank you for popping by! I think I may well read some more of his.... in daylight, though!

  2. Oh Hek, I'm much too scaredy to read Stephen King - You are braver than I. Laughed a lot at you reading on the toilet in the middle of the night - thought it was only me that did things like that. Loving your book blog x
